Happy New Year!
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Happy New Year!
09:34 AM | Permalink | Comments (15)
01:02 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)
I hope everyone has a lovely holiday, whatever it is you celebrate! I am looking forward to a serious amount of loafing, reading, eating and generally enjoying myself with my family. Ahhh. AND! I have a whole list of things I want to make! Likely, I will get to only one or two, but here we go.
see you next week!
xo tania
10:57 AM | Permalink | Comments (5)
One of the wonderful things about my job, is the occaisional new book coming in. This book just came in and I am thrilled. The pictures are great and the variety of images is awesome!! I love how some of the printing is poorly registered. I will show some of them in the new year.
This is pretty funny. A bunch of people apologising for Bush getting back into his far too powerful position. It's ok. we know you did your best.
01:32 PM | Permalink | Comments (5)
Well, if it rains it pours, and somehow I have two illustration jobs with roughs both due before Christmas! Now I am definately NOT complaining, but isn't it funny how there will be nothing for weeks, even months, and then whammo! "We need these right away!!" It sure will be nice to get those sweet sweet cheques in the mail just after Christmas though. (fingers crossed) Better get back to it!
12:07 PM | Permalink | Comments (10)
The last craft show was yesterday, and it was fun! The sales were not spectacular, but they were ok and I got goodies in the last minute trading frenzy! Peanut butter chocolates, a cute necklace and some nice soap. They are wrapped up and under the tree. "To Tania and Paul, Love from SANTA!"
*** I got the nicest email from Kerstin of MECOZY! Checkout her lovely tea cozies and then go make a nice cuppa tea. yum.
11:05 AM | Permalink | Comments (9)
10:59 AM | Permalink | Comments (8)
Thank- you Leonor, for leaving the link for where to buy the magnificent Porcelaine pens online!
In remarkable display of generosity, my friend gave me her Nintendo system! Thanks Kerstin!!!!!! She said they were going to throw it out!! Admittedly, I have to hold the game in with my toe, trying to not wobble it at all, in order to play. And mostly it just flashes on and off, on and off. But when the game does work, it is like a piece of sedated joyous heaven. Bubble Bobble is one of the best games ever. I played it for hours when I was a kid on our Amiga 3000 computer. I even have it now on my mac, but there is something about sitting on the sofa while wasting your time with a video game- well, it really does not get anymore comfortingly mindless than that. I don't even need to talk about how perfect it is to be able to play Super Mario with the Christmas tree sparkling beside me...
PLUS! It is exiting to have discovered that there is a store selling Finnish products right here in town!!
I have been wanting to find a source of Marimekko stuff for years. I bet they have the cutest Christmas stuff right now...but I doubt I will get there anytime soon!
06:14 PM | Permalink | Comments (5)
Well, I am very exited by this latest thing! A big thank-you to Heidi for telling everyone about this awesome Porcelaine pen by Pebao. It rocks!
If you are looking for presents that actually make a difference though, my uncle works for this organisation- AMURT. They offer gifts like small business loans for women in the Philippines, warm clothes for a child in Mongolia and a self sufficiency program for women with AIDS in Kenya, where they train them to create tie died clothes to sell. I am really proud of my uncle, who spends all his time travelling to these places working on aid projects. He really helps people to help themselves. If only I could half as selfless as that!
02:19 PM | Permalink | Comments (19)
Well, I am a day late for my own project! sheesh! That's ok, I barely touch my computer on weekends and it was such a fun filled one too! Dinner with great old friends, a play, a craft sale (it went ok), seeing more friends and a great band, walking around town in the snow, sleeping in. tres bien.
Anybody else do a desk shot? I would love to see! Leave me a link!
***** so delicious, delicious
02:44 PM | Permalink | Comments (13)
I almost forgot!! Sunday is international desk day, December 12. (monday is fine too) I would love it if you left a link in my comments so I can see all your neat-o workspaces! Which reminds me, I forgot to do Heidi's "show your purse day"!! Where IS MY HEAD???? Oh and then I also forgot Illustration Friday. My goodness.
10:28 AM | Permalink | Comments (8)
Since it is closer to Christmas, I decided to lower my Christmas card prices to $20.00 for 16 cards. It's not too late yet!
This poster popped up in October around town. I love it. I am loving this underground movement of awesome silkscreened concert posters! They look so cool!
02:58 PM | Permalink | Comments (3)
There are these awesome wallpaper sample books at my library. They must be from the 60's or earlier.
I love the one with the little lanterns! It would make a swinging rumpus room, non?
12:41 PM | Permalink | Comments (4)
The new inspiration links are up! Some of them will not be new to you, but I just found them! I always expect to not be able to keep finding cool stuff, but my goodness, there is so much wonderfulness out there on the web. Thanks Erica for the Lizette Greco link! So cool! And thanks to whom ever and where ever else I found all these other cool links.
05:49 PM | Permalink | Comments (3)
I am pretty sure this is the theme this week! I knew I had a bubbles drawing from a long time ago on a cd. I was trying to learn Illustrator, and I don't think I have used that program since! I just never got used to it I guess. Those crazy wiggly curves and stuff! eek!
I always think it is so darn cute when the cats act like such stereotypes - Sitting in boxes, freaking out over yarn. Sigh. So cute.
*A place to talk about why you LOVE Toronto!I hope they will eventually post everyone's responses.
*I Visited Eva and kris and Karina at the One of a Kind show last night. Their displays looked awesome and it was great to see them! I visited Monster Farms too and was impressed to see their shelves almost empty from selling so many of their cutie pie monsters! Way to go!
I only had time to race through the almost 750 exhibitors booths but liked the looks of Viola Blanca and of the Candy Factory. So much crafty goodness!
11:20 AM | Permalink | Comments (5)
10:44 AM | Permalink | Comments (7)
11:48 AM | Permalink | Comments (2)