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February 26, 2005


Karen cat's giving me the evil look....:D


ooh, i know what you mean... i worked in retail for 4 years and saturdays were always the day i dreaded because they were the craziest... and now i have Actual Weekends, and it still feels strange! it sounds like you had a lovely Saturday this weekend :)


I was at the Chester Brown talk at the library too! I probably saw you there. If I knew what you looked like I would have said hi. Too bad! :-(


oh thats so funny!!
i wonder who you were laurel... I always study all the people, its so neat to see who attends these sorts of things! i was sitting at the front right, 2nd row, with braids and a red sweater.


hi tania!

i just wanted to tell you that my two year old is learning the color names right now, and today he used your mug, which i was having tea in, to point all the birds and tell me their colors. :)

laura r.

what a good kitty!


Ha ha, that's too funny, we were sitting quite near each other. I was sitting along the side by the door at the front, right next to the coat rack because I almost got there late.

There was a funny mix of people at the event I thought, all ages and a pretty good ratio of men to women for a comic book related event. I was watching all the people too, but I don't remember a red sweater, unfortunately. I was wearing... a yellow cotton sweater I think and a black wool jacket.


Hi tania! Oh, I'm so disappointed I missed your craft night...looks like it was tons of fun! I just quit a job that had me working every sunday for over 2 years, so I feel your pain over working weekends! Congratulations and here's to enjoying our days off!


I don't know... I think the cat looks quite pleased with himself... a bit Puss-In-Boots and a bit Captain Jack Sparrow.

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