Oh how I love Saturdays. I used to have a job that had me working almost every weekend for nearly TEN years! (minus summers thank goodness). I finally left it this fall, and it's so nice to have weekends again.

Today we went to the Reference Library to hear a talk by Toronto cartoonist Chester Brown. There was an exhibit of his (above) and other comic book artists, and then this neat talk where he told us about his first forays into the comic world to his latest achievement, Louis Riel, which took him 5 years to complete! So glad we made the effort and went.

Last night, a few brave ladies came to my craft night in a snow storm!
Marlena, Grace and I were working on scarves, Lesley on hatty thing and then she taught Swati how to crochet! I was glad to see you all.

Here is the boy cat reluctantly modeling Swati's creation.
Teehee....my cat's giving me the evil look....:D
Posted by: Karen | February 27, 2005 at 02:34 AM
ooh, i know what you mean... i worked in retail for 4 years and saturdays were always the day i dreaded because they were the craziest... and now i have Actual Weekends, and it still feels strange! it sounds like you had a lovely Saturday this weekend :)
Posted by: jade | February 27, 2005 at 02:47 AM
I was at the Chester Brown talk at the library too! I probably saw you there. If I knew what you looked like I would have said hi. Too bad! :-(
Posted by: Laural | February 27, 2005 at 02:32 PM
oh thats so funny!!
i wonder who you were laurel... I always study all the people, its so neat to see who attends these sorts of things! i was sitting at the front right, 2nd row, with braids and a red sweater.
Posted by: tania | February 27, 2005 at 03:28 PM
hi tania!
i just wanted to tell you that my two year old is learning the color names right now, and today he used your mug, which i was having tea in, to point all the birds and tell me their colors. :)
Posted by: betty | February 27, 2005 at 05:07 PM
what a good kitty!
Posted by: laura r. | February 27, 2005 at 05:37 PM
Ha ha, that's too funny, we were sitting quite near each other. I was sitting along the side by the door at the front, right next to the coat rack because I almost got there late.
There was a funny mix of people at the event I thought, all ages and a pretty good ratio of men to women for a comic book related event. I was watching all the people too, but I don't remember a red sweater, unfortunately. I was wearing... a yellow cotton sweater I think and a black wool jacket.
Posted by: Laural | February 27, 2005 at 07:56 PM
Hi tania! Oh, I'm so disappointed I missed your craft night...looks like it was tons of fun! I just quit a job that had me working every sunday for over 2 years, so I feel your pain over working weekends! Congratulations and here's to enjoying our days off!
Posted by: michelle | February 27, 2005 at 09:59 PM
I don't know... I think the cat looks quite pleased with himself... a bit Puss-In-Boots and a bit Captain Jack Sparrow.
Posted by: Jay | March 01, 2005 at 04:26 PM