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April 12, 2005




is it possible to offer a child size t-shirt with the same birds you have on the mug, at cafepress?

i would love to have it for my child. :)


Miffy! I loved those characters...

laura r.

it is nice to see bits of your life.
i love those kitties so much!

Kim C

I do adore that tshirt you made! What a treat to see your art. Thank you.


hahah. your barf comment is so funny and true (for my cat too). thanks for your comment. i know, sf is beautiful. sometimes i just have to remind myself.
your kitties are cuties. cute pink tshirt too.


how do the pom poms up there keep from falling into the clutches of those kitties down there?


hee hee!
the shelf is too high for kitties!


Boy and Girl and hamming it up in the sunbeam. Those cats look really stressed out...they should try to relax a bit :)


hehe, if i took a snap of my desk i think it'd be a shot of the whole apartment! seriously, the floor is my desk. love the shot of the kitties-the barfing part makes me laff!

Aimee Roo

So very cute... aren't animals the best? :)

mati rose

i snapped a pic of my messy desk!

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