These birdies soaked through the silk I was printing last night and printed the page of the catalog I had underneath! Looks sort of cool, clothes with my birdies on them!
My week has calmed down now, it started with me trying to decide what to do about a BIG job offer and then deciding I had to turn it down. ARGH! The thing was they didn't want to give me any name credit, they wanted to buy an image, pay once and use it on potentially a zillion different products with no royalties to me, for potentially forever. Not really a fair deal.
So I declined, they said ok and that was it. No trumpets, no one giving me a bunch of balloons for making a good decision, just a total anti - climax!
Well, that's not all true, all the people I asked for advice ( THANK-YOU!!!) agreed that it was a right move. And Paul was so so supportive listening and talking with me about it.
I think it was the best choice, now I have my summer to enjoy and it won't be the last job offer... right???
hee hee.
here is the ISBN of the book in the previous post!
It is :
"The Original Point and Speak Phrasebook - American English made super easy - #9"
ISBN -4-7958-1623-9
thanks Grace! This is the catalog you gave to Mar to give to me! Hope you are good!!