Ahh- a new look. Suddenly I just wanted to clean up around here. You can't do very much re-designing with the basic account on typepad, so the image is a bit crunched in the space given and I had to put a heart there at the left side as it won't let you NOT name your weblog. It's usually just called "tania" but I had worked that into the graphic and didn't want some silly type there too, so alas, a heart it is. It occurred to me that is it almost my blogiversary - february 23 turns out to be the exact date- back in 2004. Almost 3 years in writing and posting things. My my.
Lately I have been wondering what the point of it is and I think I have to remember why I started. Although starting this blog was an experiment born out of the same urge that had me steal blank paper from the supply cupboard in grade school - a new medium to express myself wow! I never dreamed the directions it would go in, the inspiration I would find in all of your work and the connections and opportunities that would come out of it. It has been quite amazing.
So now it feels like a bit of a new phase - I find myself looking more and more at flickr, less at the many blogs I have bookmarked though still visiting them, just not daily. So - what does my blog become...where do I want to take it? I think we are all becoming more and more busy in our lives and the free time is never much. However, one of the main things my blog is/was for me is a part of my work day. Posting was and is an item on my to-do list making me feel productive on the slow days and proud when I had work to show from the busy days. So perhaps it is still that. My tool, my place, my record. I have to bring it back to that and not focus on the audience or lack of it, because after all, if I didn't do it for me then there would be nothing here at all. Just a bit of sharpening of vision again, perhaps that's what I need. It was always feedback that motivated me further and I am bummed to have the stupid typekey password turned on. Maybe soon I can turn it off again, once the spammers have forgotten about me...
I hope so! So please forgive my rambling. Just thinking out loud here. Here's to a new week, a new look and a new direction! I guess that is a very belated Happy New Year sentiment from me.