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10:56 AM | Permalink | Comments (10)
11:13 AM | Permalink | Comments (7)
11:32 AM | Permalink | Comments (2)
11:14 AM | Permalink | Comments (9)
12:08 PM | Permalink | Comments (12)
These are the soup and chili imges I have been working on for the last number of months. One a week for however long, with two still to go. I have been waiting until I had enough to make a nice grouping like this!
You can click here to see it nice and big.
I have been spending some time updating my website with the soups and cleaning up my dusty shop a bit.
I am still thinking, as always, that I could spruce up my website with a new design. Perhaps using a template from this site. It looks quite nice and is far beyond anything I could do with my meeger HTML skills. I shall look into it again...
11:26 AM | Permalink | Comments (11)
A few new links posted at the side! Have a look if you need some time wastin'.
Also I have to link to this hilarious story about the Americans thinking our poppy quarter was a SPYING device with a tiny bug imbedded in it to SPY on them. First, why would we bother and second, is there no end to the paranoia? Come on! Too funny.
05:31 PM | Permalink | Comments (3)
UPDATE! To clarify...
They are sold in sheets of blank plastic! You can colour on them and then bake them to make them sturdy and shrunk-
lots of fun- Krissy makes the best shrink jewellery!.
12:03 PM | Permalink | Comments (6)
10:55 AM | Permalink | Comments (5)
11:42 AM | Permalink | Comments (3)
Now I must get some work done, I am being bad and procrastinating. The fruit of this procrastination though will be two patterns from the wonderful Fuzzy mitten! There are some babies around who are deprived of cuteness and I plan to remedy that.
11:07 AM | Permalink | Comments (7)