Announcing! A small blogging break. It is summer! It is very hot! My garden is coming along though I do not water as often as I should. My granny neighbor likes to tell me this over and over in Portugese. I assume this is what she is telling me because she frowns and gestures toward my garden and then raises her eyebrows at how lush and nice hers is and says things invloving the word "agua". Thats ok. I am doing my bit as they are forecasting a very dry summer and already there has been little rain so I am using the water collected by the dehumidifier and other leftover water from the kettle and cat dish combined with the odd hose soaking. The one thing I am coddling is the cherry tomato plant! It is looking very handsome.
I am taking a little break to pursue my masters in soap bubble blowing! Ha. Not really, just to paddle in the water a bit, have some down time and relax. I have a busy summer ahead with some exiting projects so I want to rest up and smell the roses.
See you in July!