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July 31, 2007



it looks like you had a lovely weekend! the pasta looks so yummy too! and you know something...our sundays were almost identical! paul & i also spent sunday at the beach reading on our blanket! ahhh...i love summer.
stay's an oven out there!


Loving the bike lane motif! They really don't make enough of them and fail to understand it helps both the bikers and the drivers!


It sounds wonderful and a real balance of fun and relaxing things that you enjoyed. I have so enjoyed reading Alexander McCall Smith's series starting with the Number 1 Ladies Detective Agency-he is such an entertaining writer-simple yet memorable. I must look into his other books. Have a great week.


I love the picture of the bike for the bike lane!

We are counting down the days til we head over. Of course your brother is working like a dog and i've made him SWEAR he won't work on holiday.

Canada here we come ...

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