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December 06, 2007



oooh, i don't think i could give up coffee! good luck, tho! i do like the idea of an acorn beverage :)

as for the granola, i make granola all the time and it's so good for breakfast. i'll be taking some to my parents in ontario this weekend as part of my early christmas present. who knew granola made a great gift? it does.


it's not called barleycup is it? my mum drinks that.


You won't believe it, but I made homemade granola yesterday. For the first time. From Angry Chicken's recipe... Good luck with the no coffee - I was an addict for a while years ago (while I was working at a library, actually) and decided to stop - I had a headache for two weeks. Felt a lot better after that, though!


Having given up dairy products recently I am a convert to Green could give this a whirl...


Hooray for food gifts - my favourite sort.

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