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January 16, 2008


Natasha s

Feist does rock.I just love her blue outfit on the 1234 ,now that's what I call disco baby!!!


i love that dog-in-a-coat. and flotsam and jetsam are cool words. nice ducks (i know they're swans. all swans/ducks/geese/waterbirds are ducks to me) i love ducks


that's the magic of everyday life :) And the less you are running around - the more things you notice :)Good things :) Like the dog in a coat and ducks swinging on the waves...


I also got the finished pages of the book to peruse (hug, wave around, shed a tear over...;), and Tania, you have done an AMAZING job... if you can call it a "job", when it's obvious from your illustrations that you had a good time doing them. Can't wait to get my hands on a finished copy!


i can't wait to see lars and the real girl...

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