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May 09, 2008



How fun to find this store way in the middle of nowhere! What a bright and colorful shop full of pretty things to look at. Merrimekko is expensive even in Scandinavia! Your road trip sounded like so much fun.
Happy weekend from Emily in Norway


Reems and reems of beautifully printed fabric,
I gotta check this place out next time I'm T.O.
Can't wait to see what you scored!


Oh my! I always wanted to go there (my mother-in-law is Finnish) when we lived in Toronto, but never made it. The Moomin stuff is amazing! A friend of ours in Finland brought Ruby a Moomin book and she's obsessed. I'm definitely hoofing it up there next time we visit Toronto.


thanks for the link - I used to visit this shop when it was 2 blocks away from my place (finch subway) and then, they moved and I forgot about it....

can't wait to see your're giving me ideas, my b'day is next week ;o)


wow, that looks like a beautiful shop!! I'm sure it was worth the trip.


unbelievable! maybe i'll make a trek to see it in person sometime.




I love Marimekko - Gorgeous colour and design! It sure looks like it was worth the trip!

Best wishes for your birthday Tania and good for you in treating yourself to something special! :)


OOOOH Tania I am so jealous!!! What restraint it must have taken not to go entirely crazy in there. Enjoy the umbrella, I have a unikko potholder which makes me unfeasibly delighted everytime I see it.


Wow! that's the paradise!


I've missed your blog on our vacation. For some reason it never loaded in China. My theory is that blogs are kept a little slow as they can't be monitored. However, other than not getting a daily dose of Tania. It was fantastic!!!!

Looks like Toronto has been colourful and fun. We're coming end of May - has J told you.

We've got a wedding. When there is a wedding, we travel far and wide this year. Can't wait to see you and your colourful finds


This looks fantastic. Someday when I'm feeling adventurous I'll have to make the trek up there. Thanks for all the pics as motivation!

David D.

Weep is right! I have longed to go there, but the journey you described is exactly the one I've imagined. I'm kind of grateful I haven't made the trek as I would clearly spend thousands of dollars in there--I'll now try to erase the images from my mind...


Greetings from Finland! How fun that you have a shop like that over there! Reading the comments makes me think I live closer to paradise than I ever thought ;)


I live about 35 minutes north of the Finnish Place and I agree its a wonderful store. I love all their wonderful goodies. Like you Elizabooth I too used to visit it when it was at Finch and Yonge Street. I lived in the area. At that location they carried Finnish coldcuts and breads and other Finn foods also. My parents are Finnish and my father made all the Finnish coldcuts sold at the Finnish Place at that time.

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