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January 05, 2009



Happy New Year to you as well, Tania, many thanks for continuing with your blog despite all the work it involves. It's a nice treat to read about your adventures. One day, I might even memorise your url address instead of using Karina's handy link.


I love the eiffel tower fabric. It is so pretty.


I love the Folklore Forest fabric and have used a lot of it in the spice colorway. Gorgeous stuff.


Ha! i too went in to the workroom just to look and came out with the paris print. might think about making more gratitude wraps with it. so super cute.
hey-socks and cables are on my knitting 2009 to do list. we'll have to talk on monday.


you are truly inspirational! I always have the urge to draw after visiting your blog! Thanks! jen


Happy New Year & blogiversary! I haven't been reading here for quite that long but almost... And, ooo, fabric.

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