I have always wanted to knit an afghan or learn to crochet and make one, but when you find ones this groovy for only $3.00 each, you decide maybe buying one will be quicker. We found these over the Easter weekend at the St. Vincent de Paul in Belleville and there were still more left! I know there are often these old blankies at thrift stores, but something about these two screamed "take us home!". Maybe it was the price...and also the wonkly zig zag one. I love the center part where two stripes become all big at either end. It's so soft and girl cat has claimed it as her daytime bed. I also like to picture the ganny who made these with love and gave them to whomever... I wish they can see the blankie will be apprecited a second time around. ( You can see in the background, we have scruffy winter leftover land still here.)
I took a picture of my latte this weekend at a new to us brunch place, Poor John's. It was so yummy!
We love brunch. Look! It's so cute with a coffee bean on top!
Last, a picture of breakfast a few weeks ago. It has been sitting on my desktop and though there is nothing to say about it, here it is! I always enjoy a picture of breakfast, but now it is lunchtime!