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October 23, 2009


Mousy Brown

I'm happy you just have a blog - time to read and slob sound a fine idea! I just enjoy the posts you do find time for - as a reader I actually like it that you dont make me feel guilty if I miss a day or week or two by having 20 new posts waiting when I check my feeds! Seems a real treat when it happens a little less often! Hope you have a good weekend :)


Aw, lunch was perfectly PERFECT last Friday! Loved catching up again!

BTW: just in case you didn't bother to go out in this miserable weather to get earring hooks, I have a whole bunch...probably 30 pairs worth. They aren't sterling silver but if that doesn't matter to you and you can use them, I'd love to pass them on to you. They're french hooks, hopefully that's what you're looking for. Anyhow, just let me know and I can drop them in your mailbox on my way home from work next week.

Have a cozy weekend!


Happy weekend to you, too! I have Tuesdays off - not as good as Fridays, but delightful anyway. Enjoy!


hear hear, I'm with you on all of that
thanks for the super lunch!
(I had to get more sushi for the train the next day...never enough!)

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