In the mail last week I received the Spring 2010 catalog for Kids Can Press and lookee, there on page three, is my new book! What a wonderfully nice treat to see it there! So here it is - the first look at Willow's Whispers! You sh0uld be able to get a better look if you click on the image. Very exiting! It comes out in February. The designer and editor decided on a very spare look for the book and colorful kids, tres bien! It is about a "soft spoken little girl who struggles to find her own voice". I can relate!
Obligatory Dufflet treat picture from last Saturday...
In knitting news, this baby hat which I made for a friend's shower last week. It is a bit big for a newborn and was supposed to look like an acorn. Can't win 'em all!
I also have had this kicking around on my desktop for ages. It's Pippi longstocking by the amazingly talented Lauren Child. There are a few artists / illustrators who make me... what's the word...fidgety, wiggly agaitated! - with admiration. Her sketchy style, groovy patterns and adorable images just make me nuts.
Don't even get me started on the awesomeness of Charlie and Lola. The English accents just kill me! The point of having found this image was that I was Pippi for Halloween, not a stretch for a gal who owns 7 pairs of stripy coloured tights already, but still.
Happy Friday folks! I am on my fourth cup of tea and just got out of my PJ's at lunch time. I know, spoiled rotten, and loving it! I did get a load of laundry and the dishes done and hung a new pair of curtains too though. Time for groceries now I believe.