I keep a little book in my bag and draw stuff now and then, here are a few sketches from the last number of months! I drew the second last one a few days ago.
Right now, girl cat is purring on my lap and I have never been more happy to have her! The week started out horrible, and by some freaky good timing, I was off work that day. Just after I would have left, she was gasping for breath, turning purple! She had been coughing for a few days, but I thought it was another hairball. I rushed her to the vet in a a taxi and feared this was the end, but after oxygen, x-rays and diuretics- her lungs had filled with fluid and heart enlarged - she started to improve and by the next day I took her home ! She was so glad to be home and ate, drank and scratched her favorite spot on the rug. Today I dare say, she seems her normal self again! On drugs, but meowing like old times. PHEW! It was so scary.
Poor kitty, I hope she feels better soon! One of our cats was sick a couple weeks ago too - coughing all the time, not eating, and she had a red swollen eye. She's all better now (although she could use a diet, even if she thinks she looks all lovely and plumb and curvy ;)
Posted by: Barbara | February 26, 2010 at 02:06 PM
your drawings are hilarious!
your brain has gone to wonderfulmush!
and so glad to hear that girl-cat is getting back to health, what a fright! A medical marvel!
and such a cute pic, i can almost hear her purring :)
Posted by: karina | February 26, 2010 at 11:00 PM
glad to hear that girl cat is on the mend!
Posted by: Melissa | February 26, 2010 at 11:40 PM
The first drawing makes me unbelievably happy.
Give that cat an extra hug for me. That ordeal sounds horrible. Glad she's doing better. xoxo
Posted by: elizabeth | February 26, 2010 at 11:49 PM
How scary for you - I am so glad they were able to help at the vet! Is it something they can treat or will she have to stay on medication? Enjoy those cuddles :D
Posted by: Mousy Brown | February 27, 2010 at 05:17 PM
What a relief that girl cat is alive! I have been taking care of my neighbor's cat aka tuxedo cat who has an eye infection. We are keeping her inside, which limits her freedom. I will send you some stories soon.
Posted by: Grace | February 28, 2010 at 09:44 PM
Just catching up on posts, and found this amazing post re: no creative ideas, but i don't care cause i am pregnant! Oh, how i love that so very much!
I hope that your girl cat is okay. I send her some light and love!
big hugs,
Posted by: Lisa Pijuan-Nomura | May 10, 2010 at 03:43 PM