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February 26, 2010



Poor kitty, I hope she feels better soon! One of our cats was sick a couple weeks ago too - coughing all the time, not eating, and she had a red swollen eye. She's all better now (although she could use a diet, even if she thinks she looks all lovely and plumb and curvy ;)


your drawings are hilarious!
your brain has gone to wonderfulmush!
and so glad to hear that girl-cat is getting back to health, what a fright! A medical marvel!
and such a cute pic, i can almost hear her purring :)


glad to hear that girl cat is on the mend!


The first drawing makes me unbelievably happy.

Give that cat an extra hug for me. That ordeal sounds horrible. Glad she's doing better. xoxo

Mousy Brown

How scary for you - I am so glad they were able to help at the vet! Is it something they can treat or will she have to stay on medication? Enjoy those cuddles :D


What a relief that girl cat is alive! I have been taking care of my neighbor's cat aka tuxedo cat who has an eye infection. We are keeping her inside, which limits her freedom. I will send you some stories soon.

Lisa Pijuan-Nomura

Just catching up on posts, and found this amazing post re: no creative ideas, but i don't care cause i am pregnant! Oh, how i love that so very much!

I hope that your girl cat is okay. I send her some light and love!

big hugs,

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