This is a big deal- the first thing of any kind what so ever that I have made since the baby was born. He napped yesterday with dada and I had blissful time alone and just whipped out the scissors and started blindly. It's just a little brooch- no biggie- but for me it is a turning point. Right now he is in bed and I am blogging! Another biggie for me! He is not the best sleeper, so for months I have gone to bed at the same time as him, just to get as much sleep as I can. He still wakes every fracking hour or two, but I am starting to feel able to stay up a little later than him and do grown up things, which is good for my mental health. Maybe soon I can knit again...oh dare to dream. I have started baking again, which I never thought would happen! I can usually get him to stay in his bouncy toy thing long enough to whip up some yummy oatmeal cookies or muffins.
Oh- in sad news- girl cat is no longer. Ths really should be it's own post...She finally had to be put down after that episode of having fluid in her lungs and a heart issue. She did go on on for a few more months after the first episode though and had some quality time at my mums. Poor girl cat- she was such a sweetie. I miss kissing her little nose. She must have been over 12 though, a good long pussy cat life.