It's been nice doing these little drawings for the running club! It is what I consider my
"older style" but I guess its not really that. I just don't often do these types of watercolors anymore, unless asked specifically.
I managed to get over to Leya's blog for the first time since I was preggers- Now we both have little baby boys! I loved scrolling though all her posts about him and her new life and it made me feel a bit sad that I have not done the same. I think I may have blogged more if the sleeping thing were better- ie: if i didnt go to bed at 7:00 or as soon as I got him down for his first 7 or so months. Pure exhaustion. I guess I also thought I might not like to plaster him all over the internets. Oh well- choices made- it almost feels like my experiences arent as real if I dont put them up here! Thats how long I have been blogging! It gave me a wierd sense of regret not havng documented his growth here more. However, that does not mean we dont have pictures! MY goodness, kids of the digital age are the most documented ever, n'est ce pas? I love the little movies we take as well...
Anyway- all that to say HI! I am still here! Finch is 11 months this week - extraordinary. He is babbling away, moments from taking his first steps and getting quite opinionated about certain things like not wanting to get out of the bath or sit in his high chair until he is good and ready. He wants to go through all the kitchen cupboards and loves trucks and dogs when we go for our walks.