My husband entered me into the annual AWOL Gallery Square Foot show here in Toronto, without asking me first! I spent a minute or two huffing and puffing about it and then got down to work. This is a not very nice scan of of my entry, which I did at the last minute, because I had forgotten to do so prior to the due date day. Anyway, much to my delight, it sold! It is a bit of a sloppy first try ( I didn't even sign the original! ) of some print ideas I would like to get going and sell on etsy as well as in my friends gorgeous shop Pixel Print. ( She does great printing of all kinds if you are in need and local! ) I want to get some personal work going again and I hope that since my little boy is so passionate about cars and trucks, many other boys must be too! I think I have mentioned this before...
It's interesting how I am finding again, very slowly, my (new?) voice, post baby. My baby is nearly two and a half and I am enjoying it more and more every day, and for that I am very grateful. I had rough time of it in those early newborn days, it was like being swept up into a tornado sometimes, so seeing light and so much joy now is a huge, huge blessing. Today he said to me "I'm a little zebra putting on a jacket". If that doesn't melt your heart , I don't know what would! Multiply that by a billion times every day and you get the picture. Grateful grateful.