Who can resist walls of colorful yarn?
I just love Saturday's. This was from last week when my mum and I went out for lunch, looking at shops and then to a clothing swap. I got rid of a ton of stuff, took home some great new clothes and leftovers are taken to the women's halfway house nearby. Win win!
Today I am hanging with my little boy in the kitchen, windows and doors letting in a gentle spring breeze, a nice cup of tea brewing. All up and down the street, my favorite spring flowers are blooming and the sun is shining. I just love spring. I say that often enough that finch repeats it on our morning walks as we check out all the flowers. I found a potted forsythia bush recently and now its in the front yard! Always wanted one of those!
Finch and I have the same birthday, and this year it falls on mothers day! Hooray!
I asked for a lemon Zester- aim high!
Happy spring!